1st International Summit on Indian Telecommunication Systems and Services
India is the fastest growing telecommunication market in the world. Adding close to 10 million cell phone lines a month and a broadband base of 100 million, India is the market for telecommunication systems and services. Being largely a green-field network with minimal legacy network infrastructure, India is able to absorb the latest and greatest technological innovations in the telecommunications domain. The question that attracts the most attention is – by when can India provide broadband to its 1.2 billion citizens? And when this happens, what would be the nature of this behemoth network. Technologies like WDM, Carrier Ethernet (PBB-TE and MPLS-TP), OTN, IP/MPLS and next generation networking are awaiting their adoption by metro networks in India. Likewise, FTTH/FTTC, WiMAX and advance LTE are the forerunners in the access part of the network. The huge demands of the access – as witnessed by the 3G revolution will have a strong impact on the metro and the core. The physical layer in the core will adopt new variants of WDM – such as grid-less, colorless and directionless ROADMs. The data-layers will use new transport technologies such as OTN, MPLS-TP and PBB-TE. The legacy IP layer may be restricted to just the core of the network with the rest of the network functioning using managed transport solutions. From a business perspective, there seems to be a need for new business models and public-private partnerships. Further, the role of R&D institutions needs to be examined. Motivated by the tremendous success of the first four ANTS events in Mumbai in 2007, 2008 and 2010 and New Delhi in 2009, which highlighted advances in systems and networking, the theme of India Telco 2011 continues to be telecommunication systems and technologies for realizing broadband connectivity that makes business sense. To achieve this goal, the summit will feature a technical program of keynotes, plenary presentations, tutorials and panels bringing together experts from industry, government, vendors, providers, integrators and R&D institutions. The forum will cater to those who are involved in the research, design, development, deployment, regulation, and application of communication and networking technologies. India Telco 2011 provides a common meeting ground for the confluence and exchange of ideas with a rich mix of participation from global and local industry, and other stakeholders. The summit will be held in the financial capital of India – Mumbai – during December 15-16, 2011.
India Telco 2011 will feature the following areas covering a variety of topics consistent with the theme of telecommunication systems and technologies for realizing broadband connectivity that makes business sense. These areas are:
- Transport Networks (including topics such as):
- High-Speed Optical and Transport networks
- Colorless, Grid-less, Direction-less ROADMs, OXC architectures
- Carrier Ethernet and its flavors
- Optical Transport Network (OTN)
- Router and switch architectures: IP, SONET/SDH, MSPP
- Multi-domain and multi-layer transport networks
- Mobile Backhaul
- Storage networks
- High-Speed Optical and Transport networks
- Access Networks (including topics such as):
- FTTH/FTTC Networks and long-reach PON (NGPON)
- First-mile access networks using LTE, WiMax, FTTH solutions
- Wireless access networks
- Access network architectures and protocols
- Legacy access networks: ADSL, DOCSIS, VDSL, Cable, etc.
- FTTH/FTTC Networks and long-reach PON (NGPON)
- Applications as Broadband Drivers
- Data security, Content processing/billing, OSS
- Strategic networks
- Cloud computing and the data-center
- Utility networks and mission critical networks
- IPTV, Video-on-Demand, Telepresence
- Data security, Content processing/billing, OSS
Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities available: Please send an email to participation@indiatelco.org